Do your hands give away your age?
Frequently the focus of cosmetic improvement is the face.
Yet, one of the most age-telling body features is our hands. As we age, our hands lose firmness and plumpness and begin to look bony and fragile....with vein and joint flecked with brown spots from sun exposure.
Combating the aging hand syndrome takes more than hand cream (though that simple step does make a difference). The latest technology has given us a set of procedures that will have similar effects as those we have been able to accomplish for the face.
Candela GentleLASE for Age Spots and Pigmentation*
If your hands are affected by "age spots" or "liver spots", the Candela GentleLASE is used to break up this pigment so the body can remove it. This laser seeks out darker pigment and fragments the pigment particles. As they are reduced to ultra-microscopic size, these dark pigment cells quickly surface and are both removed by the body's clean up cells as well as by the natural turnover of epidermal tissue.
Your hands will need to be protected from future sun damage (the main culprit in all unwanted pigmentation) by regular use of sun protection. Persistent use of sunscreen is a necessary step, no matter what cosmetic procedure your choose.
Radiesse injections immediately re-plump and replenish volume to the back of the hands to provide a supple and youthful appearance. Placed beneath the skin, Radiesse raises the skin level so that tendons, joints and veins lose their prominence.
Radiesse provides instant and durable long lasting results. See the Radiesse website.
Because Radiesse provides a scaffolding for collagen-building, the body's own collagen interweaving into this structure keeps the skin feeling softly natural and smooth.
*Individual results may vary.